3 Ways To Make Practice Permanent
Thank you for reading this post, don't forget to subscribe!This guide is an extension to The Ultimate Dance Guide For Beginners. Often we hear “practice makes perfect,” however I fully believe that we are never going to be a perfect beings. We practice so we can make our movements permanent. In this article, we will discuss the three effects of practicing.
To Get Better
We practice so we may get better in the future. The best way of getting better is with planning. Plan your choreography prior to practicing and you can be productive with your time. When planning, find the inspirational dance moves from friends, families, and external videos to help you come up with what fits your personality best.
Replace Old Habits
We have heard this before, “you have bad form” or “you have two left feet.” It does not mean that we are bad at dancing, all it means is we have work to do. We are a habit of creature which we tend to do what we have been taught or what we grew up with. Same with dancing, at a young age, if you were taught to do a certain move, others may look at it as bad form or do not flow. We just need to replace old habits with new ones and keep practicing.
Quality Vs. Quantity
Quality over quantity is so true with dancing. It is not the number of dances we know; it is how good we are performing the basics. The quality of your performance is far more important than the quantity of the moves you’re doing. So practice making your moves permanent while replacing old habits with new ones.
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