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The Ultimate Dance Guide For Beginners

Whether it’s your first week or the 5th year of dancing, the key to being a good dancer is wanting to be a dancer. It is important to remind yourself why dancing is cool or fun in the first place. What makes a person a good dancer is not the technique but the passion. It is the hidden language of the soul and it gets better when you dance. We dance for laughter, we dance for tears, we dance for madness, we dance  for fears, we dance for hope, we dance for screams, we are the dancers, and we create dreams. By reading this guide you somehow found inspiration at some point in time. You would have thought why walk when you can dance? Life is short so why waste time? Take more chances to dance more dances.

In this section, we will share our dance guides that will help you get started. 

Beginners can follow this guide to assist you with starting your journey to become a dancer.


Table of Contents

Get Inspired

Warm-up and Stretch

Join Dance Classes

Practice Makes Permanent

Feel the Movement

Proper Nutrition

Learn the Songs


Add your Twist

Back to Basics

Find a Mentor

Public Performance

Lead by Example

Have Fun


Get inspired

By reading this guide, you somehow found inspiration at some point in time. You had a thought of why you want to dance. 

This evoked curiosity without any conscious control of wanting to dance. Maybe you saw a video, maybe you saw a performance, maybe you saw a friend gracefully dancing, or maybe you want to dance for health reasons. Whatever your reasons are, you were motivated and inspired to dance.  

Being inspired happens naturally. This is your conscious self saying you want to dance and dance gracefully.  

When you find your inspiration, be optimistic that you can develop dancing as long as you have the motivation and dedication.



Warm-up and Stretch 

Warming up and stretching is very important to prevent injury so you can continue to dance for a very long time. Think of yourself as a dancer athlete and imagine dancing is a sport. Before conducting any sports, an athlete stretches to prevent injuries.  

Muscle injuries can sometimes linger for a long time which prevents you from dancing. 

Warm-up and stretching build muscle resilience so you can continue to dance for a very long time.

Dancing requires a lot of flexibility which is why warming up and stretching are very important.


Join Dance Classes

Joining a dance class can be both fun and rewarding. You will meet great people who will also be passionate about learning how to dance. When you have people around you with the same desire that you have, the journey of learning becomes sweeter.  

Learning from each other’s success as well as mistakes can teach you what to do and what not to do. Your instructor can correct your forms, positioning them, and motivate you to want to dance. 



Practice Makes Permanent

We have been constantly told in our life that “practice makes perfect.” We would like to think we are all perfect beings however, we are all unique with special qualities. This is also true when it comes to dancing. We practice constantly to make our moves permanent. 

As dancers, you should strive for the highest level of excellence that you can achieve. 

Be consistent with your daily or weekly dance practice which can lead to better performance.

Evaluate yourself and your performance. Have someone close to you (friends and families) evaluate your dancing skills and ask them what you can improve on. Better yet, perform in front of your dance classmates and teacher and be open to receiving criticism.  



Feel the Movement

Once you master your technical building blocks, you can add your moves and feeling your dance styles. This shows that you are relaxed and confident. This could be in a form of a head tilt or a hair flick on certain dance moves which shows you are feeling your dance moves.




Proper Nutrition

A healthy diet not only helps you with having the energy to dance but also promote health and reduce illness. Dancing requires a lot of energy and burns a lot of calories. Depending on the types of dance you are doing, you could potentially be burning 400-800 Calories per hour.  

The best advice for a healthy diet is to include fruits and vegetables with your main meal. 

Avoid sugary food and drinks as this is known to cause weight gain.  




Learn the Songs

Songs are another form of communication. Songs consist of lyrics, rhythm, and beats. By learning the songs, you can improve your timing skills on how fast a beat or transition to a chorus.  

Music stimulates a dancers’ inner passion to perform gracefully.  




Learning how to choreograph can be both difficult and rewarding. Learning and developing choreography for both yourself and a large group can be intimidating and time-consuming. By learning the basics, you can add your dance experience and do your choreography so you can express a certain feeling and emotion you want to portray. For example, different dance phrases are used to express different sets of emotions and can be repeated on a certain portion of a song.



Add your Twist

The most mesmerizing dancers are the ones who added their twists. So find something unique about you and add it to your dance moves.




Back to Basics 

Sometimes you need to go back to the basics after learning how to dance. At some point in your dancing career, you are overwhelmed with dance moves that hinder your creativity to progress to advance dance moves. 

By going back to the basics, you are reinforcing and perfecting moves that you may have forgotten.  




Find a Mentor

A mentor can be anyone who you look up to. Reach out to a mentor and learn from their dance experiences. Be ready to jot down some great life-learned lessons not only with dancing but with life in general. 




Public Performance

Some people are naturally gifted in performing in public however, not everyone is that gifted. Practicing can reduce your nervousness when performing in public. This will lead to better performance and gaining experience.




Lead by Example

As you gain experience, you become an expert in your dancing field. Share your knowledge with others for the team to be better.  

Be the dancer you want them to be and inspire others.  




Have Fun

Dancing does not have to be boring. Go back to step 1 and remember what inspired you to start dancing.  

Do not get hung up on being a perfectionist. Instead, take a step back and share a laugh with your dance mates and teacher.

Picture of msdancerusa


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